The Task Force
As a newly registered Climate Smart Community in New York State, the Town of Aurora unanimously passed the Climate Smart Community Pledge on September 26th, 2022. The following October, the formation of our Task Force was approved to implement the actions necessary for obtaining certification status with the NYS Climate Smart Communities Program.
This requires completing and documenting several strategies to help our town mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level, and thus further the goals of the NYS Climate Act. When certified, the Town of Aurora will join other communities in becoming one of the foremost leaders in addressing climate change in our state.
The Town of Aurora was awarded Bronze-level Certification in October of 2023. We are on track toward achieving Silver Status which is the highest level of certification available. These goals are inspired by the following criteria:
Build a climate-smart community.
Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action.
Decrease energy use.
Shift to clean, renewable energy.
Use climate-smart materials management.
Implement climate-smart land use.
Enhance community resilience to climate change.
Support a green innovation economy.
Inform and inspire the public.
Engage in an evolving process of climate action.
2024 Task Force Members
Task Force Coordinator: Town Councilman Luke Wochensky
Committee Members: Town Councilman Joe McCann, Nicole Morris-McLaughlin, Jeanne Beiter, Claudia Newton, Susan Russell, Annika Safford, Michelle Bjella, Sharon Bachman, Steve Bjella, Lori Borowiak
East Aurora High School Representatives: Patrick Lally & Hannah Michalek
Advisors: ​
Jason Kulaszewski & Josh McClain- University of Buffalo Regional Institute
Jeffrey Shelley, Environmental Science Instructor, East Aurora High School, and Faculty Student Liaison for EAHS Sustainability Club
Elizabeth Cassidy, Aurora Town Code Enforcement Officer