Mitigate & Adapt: Invasive Species
WNY PRISM (the Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management)
recommends a combination of strategies to deal with the challenges of invasive species. The best and most effective method to control invasive species is to prevent their initial establishment.
Remove invasive species from your property.
IBM (Integrated Pest Management) may be required to remove invasives, including the use of targeted pesticides by professionals. (See guide below for Invasives Management Guidelines)
Plant native or non-invasive species in your landscaping. (See two helpful guides below.)
Stop the spread! Implement prevention measures such as cleaning off mowers, boats, and even your hiking boots.
Only use local firewood! Never import firewood from a different locality.
Be a citizen spotter! Report invasives that are tracked by PRISM- for example, the highly toxic Giant Hogweed, Wild Parship, or the destructive Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.

Shop Smart-Know Before You go!
An excellent list of prohibited and restricted species can be found on the NYS Department of Environmental conservations's website.
Encourage local nurseries to suggest alternatives to invasive species and the use of natives. For example, a common residential landscape shrub, Burning Bush, is highly invasive. Local nurseries such as Masterson's and Johnson's feature native selections- ask for them!

Before shopping consult a local guide such as the ones suggested on the links below for native shrubs, perennials, and trees.
How Will Climate Change Affect the Tree You Plan to Plant?
According to internationally certified arborist, Paul Hetzler, 90% of tree roots are no more than 10" deep. 98% are 18" deep or less. This means that trees are very susceptible to changes in weather and temperature. Drought and flooding can cause roots to dieback, and it can take years for trees to fully recover. Without a thick blanket of insulting snow in the winter, tree roots are more likely to sustain damage. Starches stored in roots that experience dieback, are subsequently lost to the tree.
The US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Northern Forests Climate Hub cautions that trees planted today will face a climate that is changing faster than at any point in history. The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science provides a list of climate change projections for individual tree species for our region.

Town of Aurora Mediation Efforts-
In March of 2022, The Aurora Town Board led by Councilman Joe McCann, moved to authorize the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to install invasive pest traps for European Cherry Fruit flies and Box Tree Moths on town properties and rights-of-way. The USDA reports that the European Cherry Fruit Fly is the most serious pest of cherries. Damage associated with this pest is caused by larval feeding in the fruit pulp, which can result in losses of up to 100% if left uncontrolled. The Box Tree Moth, detected in the Town of Aurora in August of 2023, is an invasive pest that can significantly damage and potentially kill Boxwood plants if left unchecked. Boxwoods are a popular ornamental evergreen shrub.
In 2024 NYS grant money was secured to develop an analysis and plan for the presence of the destructive Wooly Adelgid on the Hemlock trees in the West Falls JP Nicely Forest Park.

Invasives Management Recommendations
