Mitigate & Adapt: Air Quality
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) recommends going indoors when the air quality index is elevated to an unhealthy level. This reduces your exposure.
If you have air conditioning and can close your windows, this will further reduce your exposure.
Strenuous activity should be avoided outdoors.
wearing a mask if you have to go outside- especially for vulnerable people with pre-existing respiratory health conditions.
Alert Systems-
Cell Phone Alerts: If the air quality index exceeds the 200 threshold, the Emergency Alert System managed by the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services will issue emergency cell phone alerts.
EPA AirNow App- The DEC provides data about local air quality to this app according to specific regions. This resource link provides a real-time fire and smoke map for the Town of Aurora. The NYS DEC also provides local data to this resource.
Town of Aurora Code Red: Our town has implemented a free, local alert system called Code Red. Please sign up here. It's free and it could save a life.
The Town of Aurora's Senior Center is an emergency shelter for the Town of Aurora. It is equipped with a generator and will be open during emergencies.